Vintage Turkish Tulu Rug - U-2504 - Lavender Oriental Carpets View Rug - Lavender Oriental Carpets

U-2504 - Vintage Turkish Tulu Rug

4ft X 6ft 07in

Circa: 1940

Tulu Rugs

Tulu`s are handmade in the Konya area with a thick weave and long pile. The shiny wool and length of the pile make these rugs exceptionally lustrous. The look has a contemporary feeling and these rugs are suitable in any room settings.

Vacuum your rug frequently and use a vacuum which uses suction and does not have bristles. If possible, set vacuum to low power setting and vacuum the rug up and down and do not use a back-and-forth motion.

If possible, rotate the rug every few years to allow foot traffic to be spread evenly and shade the rug from direct sunlight to avoid fading in areas.

A rug pad is recommended on all surfaces to prevent slipping and stop marking if on floors with grooves or lines. Professional cleaning is recommended every two or three years.

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