U-1573 - Oversize Antique Turkish Sivas Rug
20ft 02in X 28ft
Circa: 1900
Turkish Hereke-Konya-Sivas Rugs
The city of Sivas is in West Turkey and is well known for weaving fine rugs often with a classical Persian design. Appreciated for their decorative style and using the best of materials.
Vacuum your rug frequently and use a vacuum which uses suction and does not have bristles. If possible, set vacuum to low power setting and vacuum the rug up and down and do not use a back-and-forth motion.
If possible, rotate the rug every few years to allow foot traffic to be spread evenly and shade the rug from direct sunlight to avoid fading in areas.
A rug pad is recommended on all surfaces to prevent slipping and stop marking if on floors with grooves or lines. Professional cleaning is recommended every two or three years.