Antique Caucasian Shirvan Rug - CU-1242 - Lavender Oriental Carpets View Rug - Lavender Oriental Carpets

CU-1242 - Antique Caucasian Shirvan Rug

5ft 01in X 9ft 06in

Circa: 1890

Caucasian Rugs

This is a kilim weave (slit tapestry) flat woven small carpet from the Shirvan area in a pattern absolutely characteristic of the group. Wide and narrower horizontal bands alternate with stepped hexagons and lozenges, respectively, as the major motives. The blue and red grounds of the major sections are nearly covered by the decorations while the ivory secondary stripes are more sparsely patterned. Triangle multicolored bands separate the wider areas. Red, light blue, mustard, blue-green, brown-black, orange-rose and camel are among the accent tones. The construction is all wool, both the mixed barber pole warps and the pattern wefts. The condition is generally quite good with well-preserved natural colors.

Vacuum your rug frequently and use a vacuum which uses suction and does not have bristles. If possible, set vacuum to low power setting and vacuum the rug up and down and do not use a back-and-forth motion.

If possible, rotate the rug every few years to allow foot traffic to be spread evenly and shade the rug from direct sunlight to avoid fading in areas.

A rug pad is recommended on all surfaces to prevent slipping and stop marking if on floors with grooves or lines. Professional cleaning is recommended every two or three years.

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